Green leaves

exploring your community through a community of practice

Two years are passed from 4th WEEC in Durban.
And now is approaching the 5th WEEC in Montreal.

The 5th World Environmental Education Congress - Earth, our common home - is an important meeting where "we will celebrate the courage, creativity, and successes of environmental educators working in diverse settings".
I think about creativity, sharing experiences, to the opportunity of meeting people from many countries.
I have the possibility to go to Montreal, and I'm very happy!
I - and the park which I represent - will contribute to congress with a poster "Surfing by foot: internet to highlight, share, organize, environmental education experience" in thematic niche "School and community".

There are other people who will go to Montreal?
You will go to Montreal?
Which work you propose?

I hope to see you in Montreal ... but I hope to see you also here, in this network!

Visualizzazioni: 16


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